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the influx of immigrants to industrial cities

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Q: What created the greatest need for urban social programs during the late 1800s?
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The greatest percentage of people executed during the reign of terror, in the French revolution, were the nobility.

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Programs such as Social Security and Medicare are called social insurance programs, and fall under the general umbrella of welfare programs.

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Which agency created during Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration is still functioning today?

The agency created during Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration that is still functioning today is the Social Security Administration (SSA). It was established in 1935 as part of the New Deal reforms to provide retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to eligible individuals. The SSA continues to administer these programs and is responsible for managing the Social Security trust funds.

How did the social classes change during the renaissance?

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In general, the greatest threat to Social Security/Medicare in recent years has been that, because of increased benefits and increased number of retirees, they are no longer actuarily sound.

What are social programs?

are programs that are intended to help/assisst families