All fairies wings are a white-ish blue. But you will have a tint of a color to your wings according to what talent you are.
Periwinkle :)
i think her favourite colour is green:)
Terence is a Dust Keeper Fairy
Its reddish black and its wings are brown with a spice of white.
Tinkerbells Fairydust ended in 1969.
Tinkerbells rabbit friend is named Clover.
it is a butterfly
Periwinkle :)
purple. Tinkerbell's favorite color is purple.PURPLE IS THE BEST COLOUR! THAT'S Y IT'S TINKERBELL'S FAVE COLOUR!
it is everywhere but is gone
Great Astral Wings are not color custom, so you cannot change the color of the wings.
Sticky Wings are yellow
Crispy wings is yellow
Cripsy Wings are yellow
Brownish tan color