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Examples of collective nouns that begin with "r" are:

  • a ream of paper
  • a range of mountains
  • a round of drinks
  • a raft of ducks
  • a regiment of soldiers
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10y ago

Examples of collective nouns that start with R are:

  • a rabble of bees
  • a raffle of turkeys
  • a raft of ducks
  • a rainbow of butterflies
  • a rake of mules
  • a range of mountains
  • a rhumba of rattlesnakes
  • a richness of martins
  • a ring of keys
  • a roll of honors
  • a romp of otters
  • a rope of pearls
  • a rookery of penguins
  • a roost of fowl
  • a round of drinks
  • a rouleau of coins, a roll of coins
  • a rout of wolves
  • a run of salmon
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Q: What collective noun that starts with R?
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Ah, what a delightful question! A group of ships starting with the letter "f" can be called a "fleet." Just imagine all those ships sailing together, creating a beautiful sight on the vast ocean. Keep exploring the world of collective nouns, my friend, and let your imagination sail as freely as those ships on the sea.

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The collective noun starting with 're' is a regiment of soldiers.

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The noun motorway has no specific collective noun, in which case a collective noun that suits the situation is used; for example a series of motorways, a network of motorways, a maze of motorways, etc.

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The collective noun for thunder that starts with the letter "c" is "clap." In meteorology, a clap of thunder refers to the sound produced by the rapid expansion of air surrounding a lightning bolt. Thunder is created when lightning heats the air, causing it to rapidly expand and create a shock wave that we hear as thunder.

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Collective nouns for snow are a blanket of snow, a bank of snow, or a drift of snow.

What is the collective noun for dust which starts with s?

There is no standard collective noun for 'dust' that starts with an 's'.The standard collective nouns for dust are a layer of dust and a cloud of dust.However, collective nouns are an informal part of language. Any noun that suits the context can function as a collective noun; for example a smudge of dust or a streak of dust.

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The standard collective nouns for grapes are a bunch of grapes or a cluster of grapes.Collective nouns are an informal part of language, any noun that suits the situation can function as a collective noun; for example, a cup of grapes or a pot of grapes.