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A contemporary Navajo women's clothing is made of velveteen material, silk, or any other type of material. She is usually adorned in jewelry made of sterling silver and turquoise (some times abolone, jet, or white shell). A traditional outfit is called the Navajo rug dress known to them as " ee' biil ". It is woven with two colors, black and red, with geometrical designs.The Navajo, like their cousins the Apaches, migrated from the Subarctic to the the Southwest United States; some adopted the early Plains garments of breechclout, leggings, poncho-type shirts and moccasins, worn with a buffalo robe for warmth. Other Navajo took on the clothing of the Desert Culture - breechclouts of shredded cedar bark or yucca fibres and rabbit fur robes.

After 1680 the Navajo women learned to weave simple cotton or wool shirts for the men. By 1824 loose cotton pants were worn, slit to the knees on the outside (a strong Spanish influence). Dark woool or white cotton was then used for men's breechclouts. When commercial cloth became available from traders, men wore a hip-length shirt of cloth, worn with dark or light pants and girded with a concha belt.

Women at first adopted the leather skirt or dress of the Plains; when they learned weaving they created their own dark woollen dress called a bil or tilma. They also wore the wrapped leggings of the Pueblo women, made of buckskin whitened with clay. Only very late in the 19th century did they begin to wear long, full cotton skirts and velveteen blouses that are today considered typically Navajo.

Both sexes liked silver buttons and concha ornaments; women wove traditional "chief"blankets with geometric patterns but after 1865 these were made entirely for trade and the tribe took to wearing Pendleton blankets.

Cotton headbands were the typical headgear for men; women always went bare-headed.

By the late 19th and early 20th century cowboy hats and boots and jeans were the most popular for men. There was a particular large type of hat that was perfered. Traditional men and women wore and still wear a bun folded four times and tied with yarn or string caled a tsiiyéél. it represents Changing Woman.

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9y ago
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10y ago

The clothing that the Navajo tribe wore consisted of collarless shirts that were made of velvet or cotton and trousers below the knee. They wore moccasins on their feet. Women traditionally wore the squaw dress which was made from blankets.

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10y ago

The clothing for Navajo women were skirts made from woven yucca fiber. The men wore breechcloths. During the cooler months, both men and women wore cloaks of rabbit fur or deerskin ponchos and moccasins.

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13y ago

the Navajo wore clothes made of wool, deer or elk skin,and squirrel skins.That's what the navajowore.

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10y ago

The Navajo Indians dressed in deerskin early on. Both the men and women used deerskin for clothing. They later wore cotton clothing, moccasins, and velvets.

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15y ago

some traditional and some modernate. but we don't all wear the same thing today (you the 21st century)

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Q: What clothing did the Navajo tribe wear?
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