Loose fitting, cotton clothing is the best. If you are going to be hiking in the desert you should wear long pants, long sleeve shirts, a broad brimmed hat and good boots that cover the ankle. A jacket may be required in the evening as the temperature can drop quickly when the sun goes down.
South Africa or other southern countries around that area.
Sahara desert
Most people care allot for the Sahara desert, because of the animals that are living their. The people that do not care for does not like it because it is hot it never rains.
The people of Liberia wear western style clothes mixed with traditional African clothes. People of Lebanese descent who live in Liberia wear western style clothing. Liberians wear traditional clothing, (which is very, very colorful) for most special occasions. Women's outfits are usually called a 'two piece,' and they consist of a tightly fitted long skirt, and matching top, which has a low neckline and small cap sleeves to accomodate the heat. Men may wear specially created stylized shirts.
The most populated city in the Sahara (Sub-Saharan) is Nigeria. As of 2013, the population in Nigeria is almost 175 million people.
Much the same as people in other Western countries.
Much the same as other western countries.
Yes, but not as written. The dispute is over the control of Western Sahara. Western Sahara has no sovereign government yet, so the dispute between Morocco and the Sahraoui Polisario, a militant organization claiming to represent the Sahraoui people (the people of Western Sahara).
It is estimated that around 580,000 people live in Western Sahara. However, due to the ongoing conflict over the region's sovereignty, exact population figures are difficult to determine.
The proper term is Sahraoui, but since most of Western Sahara is under Moroccan control, most Sahraouis have Moroccan nationality and passports.
The typical casual wear one would find in most Western countries- shirts and jeans...
People in the western Sahara mostly live in populated areas but there are some remote areas with less people. There are about 400, 000 people living in that small area so most of the people are nomadic and move around constantly.
Spanish is not a native language to African countries. However, Spanish is spoken in Equatorial Guinea as a result of its colonial history. Additionally, in some North African countries like Morocco and Western Sahara, Spanish is spoken due to historical influence and proximity to Spain.
western clothes
Generally speaking, the Sahara forms the Western Half of Egypt. There are more specific names for parts of this desert such as the Libyan Desert and the Nubian Desert, but most people refer to it as the Sahara. (Sahara is an Arabic word for a large desert.)
The Sahel is not a desert. It is a semi-arid grassland south of the Sahara.