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Q: What classification of rocks does pebbles belong?
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Related questions

What is the source of pebbles?

larger pebbles, rocks, or boulders.

What is pebbles?

pebbles is little rocks found on walkways

Do pebbles grow?

pebbles as in rock pebbles no there just there like big rocks ...

How do pepples form?

Pebbles form from larger rocks that have eroded into smaller rocks thus producing pebbles.

What are rocks and pebbles made out of?

Rocks and pebbles are made out of bits of rock that has been cut down from mountains etc.

What are small rocks named?

Pebbles? I think you could call them pebbles.

Conglomerates belong to a group of sedimentary rocks called?

Conglomerates belong to a group of sedimentary rocks called clastic rocks. They are composed of rounded fragments (pebbles, cobbles, boulders) cemented together by smaller particles.

Are pebbles igneous rocks?

No, pebbles are not necessarily igneous rocks by default. Pebbles can be formed from a variety of rock types, including igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, depending on the geological processes that created them.

What are mock rocks made of?


What is a pebbles?

a pebble is something you find on the earth

What rocks are made up of pebbles cemented together with other sediments?


What are sedimentary rocks that are made up of rounded pebbles cemented together called?

Sedimentary rocks made up of rounded pebbles cemented together are called conglomerate rocks. These rocks typically have a coarse texture and are formed through the deposition and lithification of pebbles in a sedimentary environment.