i'm not sure of a tv channel but you can watch it subbed at animeseason.com along with a big selection of other anime. worth a check its the only place i watch anime now :)
At vizanime.com new Naruto Shippuden episodes come out every Thursday.
a new episode comes out on either Thursday or Friday
As of December 20, 2009 there are 139 episodes and there are more to come!
episode 517
Every week.
The newest episodes of Jonas L.A. comes on Sunday nights on Disney channel. The reruns come on Saturday night on Disney channel.
They didn't stop it. It's just that it takes so long for funimation to make new episodes. But some new episodes did come out.
what channel does one piece come on
Yes, Degrassi does come back with new episodes in 2012. Degrassi premiered its 12th season on the U.S. TeenNick channel on July 16, 2012 with the episode that is titled "Come As You Are." It is Part 1 of a 2-part episode. Degrassi is currently airing new episodes 4 days a week, Mondays through and including Thursdays. The last episode of the first half of Season 12 which is currently titled "Scream, Part 2" is currently slated to premiere on the United States TeenNick channel on August 16, 2012.
pokemon episodes come out every Friday on cartoon network
NBC at 9:00 ET
every Thursday there will be new bleach episode.
No!!!!There are many more episodes to come!!!!!!!!
none of the episodes but she does in manga
At vizanime.com new Naruto Shippuden episodes come out every Thursday.
The episode has not come out, yet. But, it already premiered on October 1st, and after it premieres, the episode is going to be on Disney Channel for a while.