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You can get almost anything that you can get in Australia, England, America or anywhere else in the western world.

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In general only packaged and processed food - fresh food is excluded for biosecurity reasons. For more detailed information please visit the Biosecurity section of

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Q: What can you get in New Zealand?
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What country was the Lord of the Rings filmed in?

The Lord of the Rings films were filmed entirely in New Zealand.

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The indigenous people of New Zealand are the Maori.

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yes, you must a new zealand citizen in order to obtain a new zealand passport

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what? does new zealand have a government? yes new zealand is a whole country

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· New Zealand

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No. New Zealand is the only country in New Zealand. A kiwi is a small, nocturnal, flightless bird endemic to New Zealand.

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Wellington is a city in New Zealand.

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John P Phillip named New Zealand New Zealand

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New Zealand

Are there volcanoes in New Zealand?

Its New Zealand, yes we have them