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I'm going throught the same thing my daughter is 15 years old and her Dad will not let her live with me and I live in Oklahoma. And I'm having to take him back to court. You can E-mail me at and I will let you no more because I have to go back to court on the 18 of this month. That live in Kansas.

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Q: What can you do if your 12 yr old son who lives in MO wants to come live with you in another state but his mother will not allow this?
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If mother has primary custody can she send child to live with relatives without fathers permission Do you still have to pay mother child support if mother and son live in different states?

No she absolutely cannot do that. In fact, wherever she lives, she isn't legally authorized to leave the state with those kids WITHOUT your written consent. If you agree and it's in writing, she can take the kids to another state and, no matter where they are, child support still applies.

In the state of nv what can a single father do to prevent the mother of his children from moving out of state?

He can get himself to the family court as soon as possible and petition for visitations and/or joint custody of the children. Once he has established his paternity his right of access to the children must be addressed before the court will allow the children to be moved with the mother to another state. Of course, once established as the biological father he may become subject to a child support order as well. If possible he should seek advice from a family law attorney.

What if a mother goes away with another man and leaves her children with father for 5 daysshe is having an affair and is going out of state..?

There is no law that stops the mother from going away with another man and leaving the children with the father. However, these circumstances would make it difficult for the mother to win custody of the children in court.

What state does the child support age end the state that the divorce was executed or the state the child lives?

The state with Jurisdiction over the child support order. This can be the state where the child lives, the state where the obligor lives, or the state where the divorce took place if jurisdiction was never moved. see link below

I have a court order for child support in state where both parents lived at time of order. Father now lives in another state but is in arrears. What state do I file for contempt?

The parent with custody would file in the region where THE CHILD lives. Contact your local Attorney General's office. Interstate cases are complicated and better left to the professionals.

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You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues.

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None of them will.

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My fourteen year old daughter is requesting to live with her father and step-mother in another state Do I have to allow her to move?

no, but the father could file for custody see links below

The mother lives in Ohio and the father lives in Pa so which state does the father file for visitation in?

Ohio if the mother has lived there for at least six months. see links below

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the state he works in .

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What can a father do if the mother of. His children took the kids and moved to another state without permission.

If the mother lives in Kansas and the father lives in Colorado and the children are also in Colorado which state are the children residences of?

Colorado see links below