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China is growing faster than the United States.

China is a world leader in trade.

China will soon be a superpower.

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What is the biggest artificial thing and where?

the wall of china I learned it from St.Ludmila

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yea i learned in school in china im chinese

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The Bible does not tell us who specifically taught Jesus carpentry from as the Bible says in Mark 6:3: "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary..." But, we can conclude that Jesus learned carpentry from his foster-father, Saint Joesph.

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polo learned language, geography, diplomacy, and business of china.

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We conclude that the study is correct.I conclude an alliance.

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Taekwondo (also Tae Kwon Do, or Taekwon-Do) can trace parts of its lineage to China. The forms or kata done in tae kwon do came from Japan, which learned them from practitioners in Okinawa. The Okinawa martial artist learned many of the techniques from the Chinese.

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Great Britain forced China to open trade with other countries... I just learned about this. :D The Opium Wars between Great Britain and China resulted in the opening of China for trade.

How to use Conclude in a sentence?

Conclude your foolish computer game fast, and get back to studying. I will conclude my message. Every science project has a section to conclude it. Conclude is to end something. She did a short recap to conclude her speech.

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because they feel that it is good luck. (i just learned that in social studies!)

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Eager to learn about new business methods, China has asked other countries to invest, or put money, in Chinese businesses.

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to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises or evidence Simple terms it means creating a conclusion based on everything you've learned from some sort of experiment.