Michael Cammalleri, Canadian hockey star, speaks French Quebecois.
a person who speaks french
french , English and more i think
32% of the residents of Belgium speak French. Since the country's population is around 10,258,762, that would mean that about 3, 282, 803 speak French in Belgium.
Harry Styles speaks fluent french.
Quebec is the Canadian province that speaks the most French, with French being the official language and the majority of the population having French as their first language.
Switzerland is a country that speaks both German and French.
No part of India speaks French, but some people in India take French in school.
Brazil speaks Portages Also: Guyana speaks English Suriname speaks Dutch French Guiana speaks French
a doorknob that speaks french
Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia were for a long time under French influence and it is quite common to find people understanding and speaking French in these countries, even though the official language is Arabic.
Chad speaks French and Arabic.
To ask if someone speaks French in French, you can say "Parlez-vous français ?"
English, German. and Some French and Spanish
I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
A person who speaks French as their first language is called a Francophone.