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Q: What breed of dog is the best selling in India?
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What is the best selling dog breed?

The Labrador Retriever is consistently the best-selling dog breed in the United States. They are known for their friendly and outgoing nature, making them a popular choice for families and individuals looking for a loyal and loving companion.

Best breed of dog for in house.?

the best breed is a Labrador

What is the best dog race?

Dog race- would be the Iditerod- in Alaska. Best dog breed? - that breed hails from the state of Missouri. Dog breed is Miniture Shar Pei- Dog name - Wheezer.

Which is the dog breed that can kill a tiger?

No such breed of dog exists. There local dogs in India that are used to hunt and track tigers, but not kill them.

What is the most popular dog breed in Bollywood?

Labrador (black and brown) they can tolerate the climate in India and also they are the common dog in India.

Which is the best small dog breed?

There is no one "best" breed, they all have their merits and downfalls.

Which breed of dog is best?

No breed is "best", it depends on the individual. The best breed of dog would be one that fits in with a person's lifestyle and home, which of course differ from person to person.One OpinionFrom experience I would say the best bread of dog to get would be a labradoodle as they are such a loving dog and a good friend.

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What is the best breed of a teacup dog?

A yorkie

What breed of dog is the best livestock guardian dog?

Great Pyrenees is one such breed, and a very popular LGD.

Is there a dog breed call kombi found in India?

It's spelled Combai; and is a breed of hound from Southern India used primarily for hunting large game animals.