Biblical tradition ascribed much of the Book of Psalms to King David.
However, scholars say that the psalms were a literary genre unknown at the time attributed to David. They say that they were really written over a period of more than two hundred years, during and after the Babylonian Exile.
Moreover many of the psalms so attributed are anomalous when placed in the biblical context of David, while others show clear evidence of having been written during the Babylonian Exile or thereafter. David did not help write the Book of Psalms or any other book in The Bible.
Some of the 150 Psalms were written by Hezekiah, some by Solomon, some by people unknown, and some up to and including the Babylonian Exile, but at least two thirds are definitely written by David.
David definitely helped write the Book of Psalms, and also probably the relevant parts of 1 Kings and Chronicles dealing with his life.
Tradition states that King David gave us the Book of Psalms. Seventy-three of the 150 bear his name, and the unattributed ones are also from him (Talmud, Berakhot 9b).Concerning those Psalms that have the names of other authors, tradition teaches that we may thank David for them too (Talmud, Bava Bathra 14b). This is because it was he who recorded them in their permanent form and in a single book. If not for King David, those Psalms would have gone lost.
See also:
The literary genre of Psalms goes all the way back, as seen in the liturgical poems of Ugarit and Sumeria.
There are many different "Kings" ranging from actual monarchs to Stephen King, Martin Luther King Jr. etc. Without more detailed information the question is unanswerable.
Yes he did ask for help.
Time to read the book. Wiki won't help you cheat.
When an author writes a book that a filmmaker is interested in turning into a film, he or she will typically ask for the book to be turned into a manuscript. This process is done by the author and film screenwriters.
Odysseus was the king of Ithaca, since he was married to Queen Penelope. Their son, Telemachus, was Ithaca's prince.
David killed Goliath by hitting him with a stone thrown from a slingshot.
to help them understand how diverse the people who call Earth home really are
Yes he did ask for help.
David helped to make Israel a mighty empire.
The same way you write any book - plant your butt in a chair and get started! See the links below for more help.
There are a number of online resource websites that offer help with book keeping such as start up donut, book keeping king, and Melissa book keeping service.
Time to read the book. Wiki won't help you cheat.
Sling Shot & a stone
WikiAnswers is not that sort of site - that's cheating and you will be expelled for doing it. We WILL help you learn how to write your own book reviews, though.First, read the book. It's a good book and easy to read.Next, write a short summary of what happened in the book. Then, write how you felt as you read the book - did you enjoy it or not? And remember to give reasons for why you enjoyed it or not.
About 6yrs. from 1006-1000 BC.1006 BC: David flees to Nob and is helped by Ahimelech the pries1000 BC: David with the help of his allies assumes control of Judah, and is anointed its king withHebron as his capital
Check-out the ATLAS (Book of Maps). I am sure it will help.
You don't need to spend hours on the internet looking for help -- you need to plant your butt in a chair and start writing! The more you write, the better you get. Here are some links to help you.
You need to write the paragraph, but think about what your science class has told you about forces and gravity. Use your book to help you.