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Q: What body of water is south of France?
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Body of water to south of France?

the mediterranean sea

What the body of water south of the united kingdom and north of France?

The English Channel

Body of water that lies south of the united kingdom and north of France?

The English Channel.

Is the English Channel to the north or south of Great Britain?

The English Channel is the body of water between the South coast of England and France.

Name of the body of water located directly south of France?

The Mediterranean Sea, or more specifically, the Gulf of Lion.

What body of water lies south of Europe?

the English Channel lies in between France and England i hope you know that.

What body of water separtes France and England?

the body of cpap

Why did industry collapse in France?

body of water

What body of water is south of missisippi?

The body of water you seek is the Gulf of Mexico.

What body of water borders Normandy France?

The English Channel borders Normandy, France.

What body of water is to the south of Central America?

The south Pacific

What major body of water is on Mexico's south eastern border?

The Gulf of Mexico is Mexico's major body of water on its south eastern border.