No. Electrons are not consumed in a battery. For every electron that goes in one end of a battery, the battery pushes another electron out the other end.
the helix fossil
Skull fossil is a fossil of Cranidos.
The fossil maniac is in oreburgh city museum.
An arrowhead is a man made tool or weapon. It is not a fossil.
what size battery goes in a fossil f2 es-8870
renata 395
SR920SW or equivalentlike 371
Watch Battery #371
321 battery I couldn't find it anywhere, I ordered off Ebay. Free shipping. I think 3.97 for 5 batteries.
The fossil blue watch series has a replaceable battery should the battery die. The back is threaded to allow access to the battery. The new battery would be installed.
AG1, AG4, Renata 377 Button Cell OR Better Brand Equivalent.
its called an sr920 battery
Not all Fossil watches carry the same battery, so you'll need to verify the make of your watch and see what battery type is compatible. Replacing batteries yourself can be tricky and could harm the watch internally. Your best bet is to send the watch into Fossil for a replacement. It will cost you $18.50, which includes return shipping and handling fee.