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Dan and Runo do not kiss in new vestroia but I think they might in mechtanium surge

Yeah probably in Mechtanium Surge because they're both 17 and Runo comes back in episode 32. :)

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Q: What bakugan new vestroia episode do dan and runo kiss?
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Do dan and runo ever go kiss in bakugan new vestroia?

Bakugan New Vestroia isn't finished with airing. But I hope they do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do Dan and Runo hug?

In the last episode of Bakugan (not new vestroia) Dan and Runo go on a date. Runo likes Dan, as in many episodes she gets jealous when Julie hugs Dan. I dont know about Dan, he had his mind only set up to defeat Masquerade :P

Will Dan end up with Mira on Bakugan new vestroia?

yes and with runo he have 2girls

Who returns in bakugan new vestroia?

runo marucho Julie Alice masquerade jun and dan

Is runo and Alice in bakugan gundalian invaders?

Runo is a very important figure to Dan, so it is quite likely that she will appear. The seventh episode of Bakugan Gundalian Invaders was supposed to be called The Revenge of Runo but this was changed to "True Colours" featuring Marucho and Ren. Don't give up hope though... in Bakugan New Vestroia, Shun was supposed to appear in Episode 5, but the editors changed it and Shun arrived in Episode 6: Return of a Friend. So Runo might appear in episode 8. I really hope she does appear and stay in Gundalian Invaders, because Runo is one of my two favorite characters.

What episode will runo appear in bakugan gundalian invaders?

in episode 15

What happens in the last bakugan episode?

Wavern asked Drago to kill her and gave Drago the Infinity Core and Drago also killed Naga and then all of the Bakugans went to Vestroia and Drago and Wavern became the new core for Vestroia. Dan and Runo are now dating

Will runo be in Bakugan Gundalian Invaders episode 39?


Is Runo in bakugan new Vestroia?

Yes she is eventhough she is not a main character (yet). She appears in episode 1 and 2 and then comes to new vetsroia in episode 10 (a surprise visitor) she also apears in episode 11 (gate crasher) and is probably going to appear in the following episodes until she is a proper part of the bakugan resistance.

What are Runo's Bakugan?

Runo's bakugan is:Tiggrera

Does runo like dan in bakugan?

yeah he does and so does runo what i am trying to say is dan likes runo and runo likes dan in fact theres also a scene in da last episode that dan and runo goes on a date at the movies if you want to see it just type the following at youtube.combakugan dan and runo [ENGLISH]also in the new episode of new vestroia (episode 19), before dan goes back to new vestroia with baron, dan and runo hold hands and say goodbye. it's so romantic you should see it on! type in ''bakugan new vestroia episode 19 part 1'' (2, and 3). i just saw it a couple of minutes ago.... ;)And in one of the New Vestroia episodes (I forgot which one) their alone and dan say sumthing and runo is happy so she runs up, about to hug him and they both start blushing then dan gets stars in his eyes,smirks and holds out his arms trying to hug her and shetigrera OF COURSE THEY LIKE EACH OTHER. THEY ARE SO PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. EVEN RUNO NEEDS TO CHANGE HER HAIR DO.