Oceans Sylvia Earle's Journey - 2010 was released on: USA: 12 April 2010
It won 100 awards
he didnt win any
It won 100 awards
The WIN Awards - 2005 TV was released on: USA: 26 September 2005
Her full name is Sylvia Alice Earle. So Alice is her middle name.
Sylvia Earle is still alive as of 2021. She won the Ted Prize in 2009 for her work in marine conservation and exploration.
Sylvia Earle is still alive as of October 2021.
Sylvia Earle lives in Florida, USA. She has a home in the Florida Keys where she is involved in ocean conservation efforts.
Sylvia Earle didn't really invent anything she just explored under the sea.
Sylvia Earle has 3 children
she died today
places named after sylvia earles