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Q: What area did the Seminole and Choctaw live in approximately 1500?
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What obstacle is in the way of white settlement in the lower south of the U.S.?

the area was home to the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chicasaw, and Seminole. Which stood in the way of white settlement.

What is the area of Lake Seminole?

The area of Lake Seminole is 151.757 square kilometers.

What is the area of Seminole State Forest?

The area of Seminole State Forest is 104.457 square kilometers.

What Indian nation was forced to move to Georgia as a result of Andrew Jackson's policies?

Many Native tribes were forced to move from Georgia and other parts of the South to the area west of the Mississippi River designated as the Indian Territory as a result of Andrew Jackson's policies. Some of the tribes included the Cherokee, Muscogee, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw, and this event is now known as the Trail of Tears for the vast fatalities suffered.

Which Native American group walked the Trail of Tears?

members of the Cherokee, Muscogee, Seminole,Chickasaw, and Choctaw nations, from their ancestral homelands in the Southeastern United States to an area west of the Mississippi River that had been designated as Indian Territory.

Is Okatuppa a word from the Choctaw Chickasaw or Cherokee tribes of southwest Alabama and Mississippi?

The word is not listed as a 'current' word in the Tsalagi language. Also it refers, generally, to an area originally occupied by the Choctaw People in that area.

What region of the world is associated with the Choctaw group of Native Americans?

The Choctaw group of Native Americans are originally from the southeastern region of the United States. There is a large band of Choctaw Indians from the Mississippi area. Now the largest populations live in Oklahoma, Texas and California.

The area of a square is nearly 1500 square inchesapproximately what is the measure in inches of each side of the square?

Approximately 38.73 inches each side. (2 decimal places)

What American Indian groups lived in the area of the southern colonies?

Cherokee, Iroquois, Seminole

What does 3 rectangles look like with area 1500 ft?

Invisible since they do not exist! Nothing can have an area of 1500 ft since feet are units of measurement for length, not area.

Where could one purchase car insurance in Seminole?

A person could purchase automobile insurance through a local agency in Seminole. Progressive, Hartford, Geico, AAA, and Nationwide all have access to this area.

How big is 2250000 square miles?

It could cover an area of 1500 miles by 1500 miles