"And sings a solitary song" is a line that illustrates alliteration.
Frantic Friends Fell into the Foliage
Four fear then; four fears now.
Alliteration. Repetition of initial consonants or sounds is alliteration, and is very handy for emphasizing a certain phrase, or as a memory aid.
"Never in his life has he been so vilely treated and never in his life had he been so angry" (London 13)
The two lines in "Twas later when the summer went" by Emily Dickinson that contain examples of alliteration are: "To disappear the Public House / In purple Wood and dale."
Two examples of alliteration in "A Psalm of Life" are the phrases "lives of great men" and "labor and sorrow." Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound in close proximity within a line of poetry, which creates a sense of rhythm and musicality.
A Snake has a Snack
Some examples of alliteration in "The Scarlet Ibis" include: "summer was dead" and "darkness shut out the light." These instances of alliteration help create a sense of rhythm and emphasize certain emotions in the storytelling.
five frisky felines
big bad bobo
Some examples of alliteration in "Under Milk Wood" are "blind bows of the sun" and "pulsing deep sea." Alliteration creates rhythm and musicality in the language, enhancing the overall poetic quality of the writing.
Some examples of alliteration in "Loser" by Jerry Spinelli include "bully beats," "schoolteachers scowl," and "bawling babies." These instances of alliteration help create rhythm and emphasize certain phrases in the text.
Aunt Annie's Alligator, Alex, ate Aunt Annie's Artichoke. Bumbling Benny broke Ben's bicycle.