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Sudan and Egypt

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Q: What are two countries that the Nile river runs through?
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The Nile River runs through this country?

The Nile River runs through Egypt, Sudan, and several other African countries.

What river runs through Egypt?

Nile River

What is the river that runs through Egypt?

This river is named the Nile. It runs 4,000 miles through nearly half of Africa, and is the world's longest river. The Egyptians have a deity for it, who is named Hapi. At the end of the Nile lies the famous delta, and in that delta used to be the city Xios.

What major river runs through the center of Egypt?

The Nile River runs from the north to the south of Egypt.

Does the Nile River run through the United States states of Ohio Pennsylvania Oklahoma or West Virginia?

No. The Nile River does not run through any part of the United States and instead runs exclusively through African countries. See the link below to find out which countries the Nile river flows through.

What is the longest river in Africa (and the world )?

The longest river in Africa (and the world is the) Nile It runs through 10 countries and has two tributaries (White and the Blue Nile).

What is the longest river in Africa and what is it called?

The longest river in Africa (and the world is the) Nile It runs through 10 countries and has two tributaries (White and the Blue Nile).

What river runs through Egipt?

It is the River Nile.

Which is the largest river that flows through Africa?

Congo River flows throughout most of the central part of Africa

Where is the Thames River in the Nile River?

The Thames is in England. The Nile runs through Egypt.

How many countries does the Nile River go through?

About 900 miles

What river runs through eastern Africa?

the nile river