Football (or soccer in some areas) is the most common sport so i would assume that,
in some areas local favorites are: starving, being shot at, carrying water buckets, not knowing if you'll die tomorrow, becoming a pirate, counting the amount of flies one can hold on their face, and becoming a star for commercials asking for a dollar a day donation.
Bear in mind that Africa comprises 54 sovereign countries, and that most African countries have different traditional dress. In South Africa, for example, there are different traditional garbs between the various tribes.(See the Related link to an online website where you can buy traditional African clothing for men.)
We have many African traditional 'folk' costumes/attire worn by different tribes but mainly at traditional functions. Each tribe has their own traditional gear - mostly very colourful and truly representative of our rainbow nation. But most South Africans wear normal western clothing from day to day.
People learned how to build traditional South African structures from their ancestors. By studying how things were made in earlier times they were able to repeat the processes.
Africans puts on their own traditional clothings
Moo Moo's. they are a traditional African robe.
A gele is a traditional headpiece worn by an African bride.
An African traditionalist is an adherent of an African traditional religion.
Traditional African medicine is a holistic discipline involving extensive use of indigenous herbalism combined with aspects of African spirituality.
It blended traditional African and modern ideas.
traditional south african clothing.
her hobbies were to write books and poems she was the first African American poet.
The traditional African religion influenced most African art, but Christianity influenced Ethiopian art.
Besides basketball Grant Hill has many other hobbies that he enjoys. These hobbies include African American art collecting, politics, and organization of children's charity activities.
Adumu is an African traditional Dance.
Traditional African medicine is a holistic discipline involving extensive use of indigenous herbalism combined with aspects of African spirituality.
Traditional African art had had the greatest influence on 20th century sculpture and painting.
The topic of African traditional culture is a complex one because there are so many varied elements of African culture. Also, there are hundreds of African tribes, each with their own unique culture.