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1. Indus2. Ganges3. Brahmaputra
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10y ago

There are three highly important river systems that water the northern plains of India. The three rivers are as follows: the Indus, the Ganges, and the Brahmaputa.

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Q: What are three important river systems that water the northern plains?
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What are three of the important river systems that water the northern plains?

Three important rivers which flow through the northern plains of India are Indus, Ganges & Brahmaputra River.

What are the three important river systems that water the Northern Plains od India?

1. Indus2.Ganges3. Brahmaputa

List three important river systems that water the northern Plains?

Indus River system Ganges River system Brahmaputra River system

The three parts in which northern plains are divided?

The northern plains in India are divided into three parts: the Punjab Plains, the Ganga Plains, and the Brahmaputra Plains. These divisions are based on the major river systems that flow through the region.

Why northern plains are fertile?

There are a lot of river systems in North India .The area around these rivers are very fertile since they carry alluvium with them . Thus the northern plains are very fertile.

What river flows through the northern plains?

Indus River :)

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the great plains

What flows through the northern plains?

Indus River :)

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Indus river

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Northern Plains is the part of the US Great Plains located north of the Missouri River in Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and northeast Kansas.

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The Missouri River

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The Missouri River