

Best Answer

Book 1: The Rage of Achilles

Book 2: The Great Gathering of Armies

Book 3: Helen Reviews the Champions

Book 4: The Truce Erupts in War

Book 5: Diomodes Fights the Gods

Book 6: Hector Returns to Troy

Book 7: Ajax Duels in Hector

Book 8: The Tide of Battle Turns

Book 9: The Embassy to Achilles

Book 10: Marauding Through the Night

Book 11: Agamemnon's Day of Glory

Book 12: The Trojans Storm the Rampart

Book 13: Battling for the Ships

Book 14: Hera Outflanks Zeus

Book 15: The Achaean Armies at Bay

Book 16: Patroclus Fights and Dies

Book 17: Menalaus' Finest Hour

Book 18: The Shield of Achilles

Book 19: The Champion Arms for Battle

Book 20: olympian Gods in Arms

Book 21: Achilles Fights the River

Book 22: The Death of Hector

Book 23: Funeral Games for Patroclus

Book 24: Achilles and Priam

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Q: What are the titles in the books of Iliad?
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