Prophets are people sent by god with the same message or way of life by the prophet or messenger before him but the messengers are the ones sent by god with a new message or way of life. So the similarities is that they are both sent by god.
Answer 1
The similarities are mainly:
Answer 2
In all honesty, I think the two are a study in opposites, not similarities!
The following points need to be made.
If you mean Muhammad, the Prophet he ruled in Madina. Later he conquered Mecca and his rule spread to whole Arabia.
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According to Islamic teaching, a prophet of Allah has visited every civilization prior to Mohammed's arrival and attempted to teach submission to Allah. As concerns Mohenjo-Daro specifically, no prophet has ever been named and there is also very limited information concerning the people of Mohenjo-Daro as their writing has still not been deciphered, so there is no possibility of pointing to a historical figure in that city and supposing that that person might be the prophet in question.
In September 2005 a Danish paper called the Jyllands-Posten ("Jutland Post") did an article on Islam and political correctness. They invited 12 cartoonists to draw a depiction of the Prophet Muhammad. One of the cartoonists evaded the question by drawing a schoolboy called Muhammad. The others depicted the Islamic prophet with varying degrees of offensiveness. Depictions of the prophet are not only forbidden in Sunni Islam (it's considered a form of idolatry), but also considered offensive. In Shi'a Islam they are generally tolerated. However, they too were offended by the content of the cartoons, especially one which depicted Muhammad with a bomb in his turban.
There are two concepts for Islam; namelyIslam in its general sense as full submission to God, the Creator; as the one and only God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence. In this sense the first who came up with Islam were Adam and Eve.Islam per Quran revelation by God to prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (or Jibril) that started in year 610 AD through 632 AD (year of the prophet Muhammad's death). In this sense, the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the first who came up with Islam
no prophet was a messenger between the prophet Muhammad and Allah, it was angel Gabriel.
Allah save prophet Muhammad by spider net.
There is no relation at all between prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Alaadin. Nothing is common between them. Nothing even to compare between them.
Khadija, prophet Muhammad first wife, was the first who recognized Muhammad as a prophet (BPUH).
Prophet Muhammad.
Prophet Muhammad i think
The prophet Muhammad didn't change his name
Muhammad was called the final prophet because according to Muslim theology after him there was no prophet to come.
Quran is God revelation and His words to prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel. Hadith is prophet Muhammad saying.
Yes, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet.
Prophet Nooh, Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Isa, Prophet Musa, and Prophet Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)