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AnswerThere are not many fundamental similarities between Catholicism and Taoism. Catholicism is at least nominally monotheistic, while Taoism (or Daoism) is polytheistic.

Both religions teach high ethical standards. Catholicism teaches that when each person dies, his or her soul goes to heaven, to purgatory for the temporary punishment of sins, or to hell. Taoism teaches that when each person dies, his or her soul is reincarnated until the soul gains perfect spiritual knowledge and righteousness, after which it ascends to heaven.

Catholicism teaches the veneration of saints and provides statues and pictures so that parishioners can pray to the saint of their choice. There are special feast days for individual saints. Taoism teaches that the immortals can be worshipped or venerated in a similar way, and provides statues and pictures so that people can pray to the immortal of their choice. There are special feast days for individual immortals.

Taoism is an inclusive religion and does not reject the gods of other religion. It therefore accepts the probable divinity of the Abrahamic God and of Jesus, although recognising that they have no relevance in Taoism.

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

They are simialar because........... okay IDK


Christ Is the Way, "Tao" means "The Way."

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