In alphabetical order...
A Corphish Out of Water
A Meditite Fight!
A Tail with a Twist
A Three Team Scheme!
All in a Day's Wurmple
All Things Bright and Beautifly!
Brave the Wave
Exploud and Clear!
Get the Show on the Road
Going, Going, Yawn
Gone Corphishin'
Gonna Rule The School!
Gulpin it Down
Having a Wailord of a Time
I Feel Skitty!
Jump for Joy!
Just One of the Geysers
Let Bagons Be Bagons
Manectric Charge
Maxxed Out!
Now That's Flower Power!
Poetry Commotion!
Ready, Willing, and Sableye
Seeing is Believing!
Sharpedo Attack!
The Lotad Lowdown
The Ribbon Cup Caper
The Winner by a Nosepass
Tree's a Crowd
True Blue Swablu
Turning Over a Nuzleaf
What You Seed is What You Get
Which Wurmple's Which?
You Said a Mouthful!
ZigZag Zangoose!
This includes other Treecko, not just the one belonging to Ash.
Errrmm..... The Bensons- Alley Awesomeness- austin
There is a complete list at the link below.
You cannot change the name of a Pokemon that you did not originally catch or hatch.
You can find a list of Invader Zim episodes titles at the link below .
Kang and Kodos
There are over 600 episodes, so I'll just post links to the episode lists in the related links section.
You could just get the names of the episodes and watch them on YouTube. They also do other animated epsiodes you can watch.Becca-Jayne
Check related link below for all the names of episodes.
The names of the episodes are: Pruning A Passel Of Pals, Strategy with a Smile, Staging A Heroes Welcome, and A Full Course Tag Battle.
Pokemon NamesXatu is the only Pokemon with a name starting with an "x."
house? fox television
Kanto: Charmander, Bulbasaur, & Squirtle. Johto: Cindaquil, Chikorita, & Totodile. Hoenn: Torchic, Treecko, & Mudkip. Sinnoh: Chimchar, Turtwig, & Piplup. Isshu (Japanese names): Pokabu, Tsutarja, & Mijumaru. *These are all in order from types: Fire, Grass, Water.*
turn and burntrust mebad bloodscattred pointsrough seahot spotcomradesare some of the names of season 2 episodes of the burn notice
You can find comprehensive lists of the titles if your search the words "Pink Panther Episodes"
Hey, those are some unique nicknames! But of course, it's an opinion, not a fact. To me, those nicknames are fine.