Chadler Muriel Bing Ross Eustace Geller Rachel Karen Green Monica Elizabeth Gellar Joey Francis Tribbiani Pheobe (never mentioned) Buffay :)
Kayvan Novak plays all of the characters
Below is a related link to all her friend's names . If you click on that, there are all of his roles.
Code Geass Characters: Lelouch Lamperouge, Suzaku Kururugi, Shirley, Nina, Nunnally, C2...
Cornbread real name is alex sanders i think
Joey, Ross, Chandeler, Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe (my favorite)
There are 9 Main CharactErs: Thomas Edward Henry Gordon James Percy Toby Emily The Fat Controller
Kayvan Novak plays all of the characters
all the characters names are: Tori Trina Andre Beck Jade Cat Sinjin Sikowitz
"IX" is the common ending for the names of all male characters in Asterix comics.
If you mean the programme freinds, the one that ended because one of the actors quit then these are the characters. Pheobe. Ross. Joe. Rachel. Monica. Chandler. Mike ( Pheobe's boyfreind, then gets married to her). Obviously there are other people but I only know the names of the main people.
manor, monor and tribinies
Below is a related link to all her friend's names .
Calling All Engines is a feature length DVD spin-off from the Thomas and Friends TV series. The fictional characters are well known names from this series such as The Fat Controller and engines called Thomas, Percy, Diesel and Rusty.
It is common practice to capitalize all characters' names on their first appearance in a screenplay, regardless of whether they are main characters or not. This helps to clearly identify each character and make the script easier to read and follow.
from what i know of she didnt write middle names for them. I've read almost all of the books except maybe two n not one of them hv middle names in them If you click on that, there are all of his roles.