1.It gives noiseless reception.
2.The operating range is quite large.
3.It gives high fidelity reception.
4.The efficiency of transmission is very large.
MERITS:*man power is less requried*excellent accuracy for products*time for manufacturing is effectively reducedDEMERITS:*power or equipment needed in huge amount*equipment is costly
Just a short video clip that features an important part of the movie.
The reason that India isn't a developed country no matter how rich they are is due to the reason the government do not share there money out.
what are the merits of watching television?
FM means Frequency Modulated.FM stands for modulation on frequency or frequency modulation.
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Merits and Demerits of media?
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What are the merits and demerits of an economic system?
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Merits-Everyone is Equal. Demerits-Everyone is Equal.
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