Aswan high dam
Akasombo dam
Inga dam
Hendrink dam
Kariba dam
Cabara dam
Kiira dam
Kainji dam
examples of ox-bow lakes in Africa are, Lake Utange on River Rufiji, Lake Kanyaboli on River Yala, Lake Gambi on River Tana, Lake Manzala on the Nile Delta and Lake Avangas in Gabon among several others.
by own hands, themacol, etc.
Multipurpose river valley project have been developed all over the world to utilize water.The dams or a series of dams are constructed across the river for storing water. This stored water are then used for generating hydro-electricity ,afforestation,control floods, navigation etc.
The Nile river is the longest river in Africa.
Multipurpose river valley projects are a major contributor to India's developing economy and they are often considered to be the propellants of India's industrial growth. However, they have often come under sharp criticism their negative effects on the environment. The greatest disadvantage of multipurpose projects is the harm they cause to the environment. Obstructing the natural flow of rivers for the purpose of building dams creates inhospitable conditions for the marine life, which results in the death of many aquatic animals and plants. Also, big reservoirs submerge the adjoining fertile flood plains causing great loss of agricultural land. Many river valley projects such as the Sardar Sarovar have submerged the nearby forests, thus contributing to the depletion of India's forest resources. Another major disadvantage of multipurpose projects is the large scale displacement of people. The local communities have to leave their villages, their livelihood and their ties to make way for these projects. Their rehabilitation is a major issue that is being raised by several social activists such as Medha Patkar. The people who give up their land for the good of the nation are the one's suffering the most as after their displacement. In most cases, they are not provided proper food and shelter. All this and more has disillusioned the common people about the advantages of multipurpose projects. For the masses who suffer the aftermath of these multipurpose projects, these projects are more a pain than a gain.
ganga project
The primary purpose of Multipurpose River Valley Projects is to produce electricity. A secondary purpose is to prevent flooding especially during the monsoon season.
there are 56 multinational projcts
"In India many multipurpose river projects are undertaken by the Government under 5- year Plans.These are:(Projects - River - State)1.Bhakra Nangal Project - Sutlej - Punjab,Haryana,Rajasthan2.Thein Dam Project - Ravi - Punjab3.Ramganga Multipurpose Project -Chuisot Stream near Kalabagh - U.P.4.Damodar Valley Multipurpose Project - Damodar - W.B.5.Mayurakshi Project - Mayurakshi - W.B.6.Hirakud Multipurpose Project(world's longest main stream dam) - Mahanadi - Orissa7.Nagarjun Sagar, Upper Krishna Project - Krishna -Andhra Pradesh, Karnatak8.Tungabhadra Multipurpose Project - Tungabhadra -Andhra Pradesh, Karnatak9.Chambal Project - Chambal - Rajasthan10.Sardar Sarobar Project - Narmada -Gujrat, M.P. Maharastra11.Matatila Project - Betwa - U.P., M.P.These all are the multipurpose river valley projects. Beside these many river projects are there in India which are either used for irrigation purpose or for hydroelectricity generation."
The world is tremendously in need of drinking water and each river valley project is worth of double of it. When electricity flows from the projects, it illuminates the world and make the industries more productive that can meet the increased population.
examples of ox-bow lakes in Africa are, Lake Utange on River Rufiji, Lake Kanyaboli on River Yala, Lake Gambi on River Tana, Lake Manzala on the Nile Delta and Lake Avangas in Gabon among several others.
by own hands, themacol, etc.
A multipurpose river valley project serves many purposes such as preventing flooding. producing electricity, increasing agricultural areas, etc. An example of such a project is the Damodar Valley Project in India. Its purpose is to prevent flooding and crop damage and provide placement for hydel- power stations. It also opened up access to huge deposits of coal and iron ore.
Multipurpose river valley project have been developed all over the world to utilize water.The dams or a series of dams are constructed across the river for storing water. This stored water are then used for generating hydro-electricity ,afforestation,control floods, navigation etc.
The Atlantic Ocean borders West Africa to the west. The Gulf of Guinea is located in the southern part of West Africa. The Senegal River, Gambia River, and Niger River are important rivers in the region.