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The elements are:

1,Formulating public policy

2. Re-orienting health services

3'Empowering communities to achieve well being

4. Create supportive environment

5.Develop/increase personal health skills

6. Build alliances with special emphasis on the media

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Q: What are the elements of the Caribbean Charter on health promotion?
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What is Ottawa Charter?

the Ottawa charter is a 1986 document created by the World Health Organisation. It was launched at the first international conference for health promotion

Whos 'watershed' document that marked the shift from lifestyle to a social approach to health?

In Canada, this was the Ottawa Charter (1986). The Ottawa charter expanded on the Lalonde Report The focus is now on "health promotion"

How does the Ottawa Charter relate to Life Be in it campaign?

Ottawa Charter is a global health promotion that is ran by the world health organization. It has five action areas called developing personal skills, supporting the environments, strengthening the community and building a healthy world.

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