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Edward: Vampire; He has bronze colored hair, golden eyes, and pale skin (like all vampires). He has the ability to read everyone's mind, except Bella's. He is also much faster than other vampires. He was born as a human in 1901 in Chicago, but was changed into a vampire by Carlisle in 1918 when he was dying of the Spanish Influenza. He is in love with Bella Swan. He is a "vegetarian" vampire and is also a very good pianist. In New Moon, he leaves because he thinks Bella will be safer without him. He hears from Rosalie that Bella killed herself by jumping off of a cliff (she was actually doing it for fun) so he leaves to go provoke the royal vampires in Italy so he would be executed. Bella ends up going to Italy to try to save him, and she miraculously is able to find him before he exposes the vampire secret to the public.

Bella: Human; She has big brown eyes and brown hair. She is very clumsy and blushes easily. She is the one exception to Edward's mind-reading gift. She is in love with Edward and she lives with her father in Forks, Washington. Her blood is extremely appealing to Edward and very hard to resist, often putting her life on the line.

Jacob: Werewolf (shape sifter, werewolves change by moons) ; Jacob lives in La Push, Washington. He is a member of the Quileute tribe and is very tall and muscular. He likes to work on cars and motorcycles for fun. He always runs a naturally high temperature because he is a werewolf, so he is often jokingly described as a space heater. Bella becomes best friends with Jacob when Edward leaves in New Moon, and over time their friendship becomes even more. This is a big problem after Edward comes back.

Alice: Vampire; She has the ability to see the future except when werewolves are involved. For some reason, they cause her visions to disappear once they come into the picture. She is short and pale with black spiky hair. She is Jasper's mate and would do anything to protect him. She is also a "vegetarian" vampire. Alice was changed into a vampire by an unknown vampire (but forced on by James). She used her future to find Jasper and Carlisle's coven.

Jasper: Vampire; Jasper has blonde hair and golden eyes. He is Alice's mate and he, too, would do anything to protect her. He was changed into a vampire by Maria, a lady who was trying to form a newborn army in the south. He is very skilled in combat as he used to help train the newborn vampires. He has the ability to feel other's emotions and change their emotions as well. He has many crecent-shaped scars because from working with the newborns. He is also a "vegetarian" vampire. He was hiding from the rain in a cafe when he first met Alice. Alice had known he would be there and he was suprised to find out that she was waiting for him.

Carlisle: Vampire; He has blonde hair and is described as being the most gorgeous doctor around. He has golden eyes, too. Carlise is very compassionate. He is amazingly a doctor and is able to somehow resist the temptation of blood when operating on his patients. He knew a little of vampires shortly before he became one, and he did not want to be a monster like the others. He started his "vegetarian" lifestyle and does not feed on human blood. Instead he feeds on animal blood. He changed Edward, Rosalie, Esme, and Emmett into vampires. He is now Esme's mate and the father figure of the family.

Esme: Vampire; after loosing her only son, she threw herself off of a cliff. She was somehow still alive when Carlisle found her. He changed her into a vampire, and now she acts as the mother of their family and the wife of Carlisle. She has browm hair and golden eyes as a result of being a "vegetarian" vampire. She is very kind and loving.

Emmett: Vampire; He was attacked by a bear when he was found alive by Rosalie. She ran him back to Carlisle, who changed him into a vampire. He doesn't really have any abilities, other than his strength. He has brown hair and golden eyes (from being a "vegetarian" vampire). He is Rosalie's mate.

Rosalie: Vampire; She has blonde hair, golden eyes (because she is a "vegetarian" vampire), ad she is Emmett's mate. Rosalie is described as being the most beautiful thing in the world, and she knows it. She was considered very beautiful as a human and she got everything that she wanted. This is the reason for her being so self centered. She was attacked by her fiance and was found by Carlisle bleeding on a cold, dark alley, so Carlisle took her back and changed her into a vampire. She has a strong dislike of Edward because Edward didn't take to her like all of the other boys had done when she was human.

Charlie: Human; Police Chief of Forks, Washington and the father of Bella Swan. He is a very bad cook and he loves to go fishing. He is good friends with Billy Black, Jacob's father.

Renee: Human; She is Bella's mother. She married Charlie and together they had Bella, but they later got a divorce. She remarried an athlete named Phil, who she was crazy about. Phil needed to travel with his job. Renee wanted to travel with Phil, but she also didn't want to leave Bella or cause her to move around with them. This dillema was causing her to be unhappy, and Bella realizing this moved out voluntarily to live with Charlie in Forks.

*Notes: Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and Edward all live together and act as a family. I added this note because I thought it might of been the cause of some confusion. Also, the vampires and werewolves don't get along and they are bound by a treaty to stay off of each other's land. This is part of the reason for Bella's love triangle dillema. Also, I wrote this without considering Breaking Dawn, because I didn't know if you had planned on reading it.

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James: Laurent: Victoria:

-Very sadistic -Very sneaky, has a good heart -The worst vampire

-Mate to Victoria -Mate to Irina

-Main hunter -Follower of the Nomad coven

-Deceased -Deceased

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