india -delhi
pakistan - islamabad
Afghanistan - kabul
Sri Lanka - colombo
Bangladesh- mayanmar
bhuton - thimpu
nepal - khatmandu
maldives- maldives
The official language of SAARC is English.
For the languages of a specific member country, click on country below:
The formation of SAARC was with the objective of helping each other in the growth. The mutual understanding and the development of the countries with the similar geosocial background, the resources available and the path of development taken by each member with the cooperation and collaboration of each other. The member countries are nodoubt benefited with this.
it's Pakistan
which central African country has the capital Kampala
The countries that border the Mediterranean Sea, from west to east, are:Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt.Their capitals, respectively, are:Rabat, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and Cairo.These countries border the southern part of the Mediterranean Sea.
Mahind Pasaka (president of Srilanka) is current chair of SAARC
As of the latest data available, Afghanistan has the highest birth rate among the SAARC countries.
There are 8 countries that are members of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC): Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
nepal pakistan
the Maldives
Abul Ahsan was the first secretary general of SAARC or the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. It was began in 1985 and is headquartered in Kathmandu in Nepal.
i dont kno the answer
The stated areas of the co operation among SAARC countries are:- >agriculture >rural development >environment >education
The members of SAARC are: Afghanistan, Pakistan ,India ,Nepal ,Bhutan, Myanmar Bangladesh, Sri lanka
SAARC countries share same cultural history since centuries. Because India is somewhat peaceful and had a stable political establishment since independence. No two SAARC countries share a boundary and all of them share a boundary with India. India is strong in economic perspective than other SAARC countries so they were not of much help to India.