The Great Lakes that border Canada are Lake Huron, Lake Superior, Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.
Alaska, Washington, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine border Canada.
At 8891 km, the border between Canada and the USA is the longest between any two countries, but a major section of that border (with Alaska) is not contiguous with the rest. The longest contiguous section of border between two countries in the world is between Russia and Kazakhstan, at 6846 km.
Where two countries dont have a border , like a fence or a wall . Example : Us and Canada .
u.s.a Canada Mexico Guam Ireland
There were more and more terrorists sneaking across the border from Canada to the US. Both countries agreed to beef up security along the border.
The United States of America is the only country that actually borders Canada.
The only land border Canada has is with the United States.
The two countries that border the United States are Canada to the north and Mexico to the south.
Canada and Mexico border the United States.
Canada and Mexico.
Canada and Mexico border the U.S.
Canada to the north and Mexico to the south border the United States.
Canada and Mexico border the United States.
The US.
Mexico, Canada,