One of them is sombrero for your avatar. To get this, you need to shoot somebodys hat off without killing them. ( this is best done in theives landing to avoid being wanted.) i had to do this a few times before i got it. and also you, need xbox live to wear it.
High Roller Win over 2000 chips in a hand of Poker.No DiceComplete a game of Liar's Dice without losing a single die.What About Hand Grenades?Get a ringer in a game of Horseshoes.Fightin' Around the WorldKnock someone out in melee in every saloon in the game in Single Player.Strange Things are AfootComplete a task for Stranger.Buckin' AwesomeBreak the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standardbred, and the Hungarian Half-bred.Clemency PaysCapture a bounty alive.Exquisite TastePurchase a rare weapon from a gunsmith.Bearly LegalKill and skin 18 grizzly bears.He Cleans Up Well!Obtain the Elegant Suit.More than a FistfulEarn $10,000 in Single Player.FrontiersmanObtain Legendary rank in any Single Player Ambient Challenge.Man of Honor / Chivalry's DeadAttain highest Fame rank and either highest Honor rank or lowest Honor rank.Gold MedalEarn a Gold Medal Rank for a combat mission in Single Player.On the Trail of de VacaUncover every location on the map in Single Player.Friends in High PlacesUse a pardon letter with more than $5000 bounty in Single Player.BullseyeGet 250 headshots in any game mode.Unnatural SelectionKill one of every animal species in the game in any game mode.Slow on the DrawGet 10 assists in a single Hideout in a public Free Roam session.Hit the TrailGet from Blackwater to Escalera before sundown in a public Free Roam session.Posse Up!Create a posse and get the maximum number of members.Most WantedBecome a Public Enemy for 10 minutes and escape alive in a public Free Roam session.Red Dead RockstarKill a Rockstar or someone with this Trophy in a public multiplayer matchAustin OverpoweredComplete Twin Rocks, Pike's Basin, and Gaptooth Breach Hideouts in Single Player.Evil SpiritsComplete Tumbleweed and Tesoro Azul Hideouts in Single Player.Instinto AsesinoComplete Fort Mercer and Nosalida Hideouts in Single Player.People are Still StrangeComplete 15 tasks for Strangers.The GunslingerScore a headshot on any enemy using Expert targeting mode.Mowing Them DownKill 500 enemies with a mounted weapon in any game mode.In a Hail of BulletsKill 500 enemies with any pistol or revolver in any game mode.Long Arm of MarstonKill 500 enemies with any rifle, repeater, or shotgun in any game mode.Have Gun Will TravelComplete all Hideouts in a single public Free Roam session.The Quick and Everyone Else...Be the top scoring player in any three consecutive FFA games in public matches.How the West Was WonReach the top rank for multiplayer experience.Go Team!Be on the winning team for four consecutive victories in any team based game in public matches.RedeemedAttain 100% in the Single Player Game Completion stat.Legend of the WestYou've become a true legend of the west!Secret TrophiesThat Government BoyComplete 'Exodus in America'.Land of OpportunityComplete 'The Assault on Fort Mercer'.Sons of MexicoComplete 'The Gates of El Presidio'.No More Fancy WordsComplete 'An Appointed Time'.A Savage SoulComplete 'At Home with Dutch'.The Benefits of CivilizationComplete 'And the Truth Will Set You Free'.Into the SunsetComplete 'The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed'.Manifest DestinyKill the last buffalo in the Great Plains in Single Player.DastardlyPlace a hogtied woman on the train tracks, and witness her death by train.Spurred to VictoryComplete 20 story missions without switching to a new horse at a hitching post.Heading South on a white BroncoEvade the US Marshals while riding the Hungarian Half-Bred horse in Single Player.Nurture or Nature?Complete 'Remember My Family'.DLC: Outlaws to the EndCost:Free Trophies: 10Well doneComplete a Co-Op mission.Have posse, will travelComplete all Co-Op missions.2 guys, 1 CoopComplete a Co-Op mission with just 2 people.Stake a claimGold medal any Co-Op mission.Struck goldGold medal all Co-Op missions.Friends indeedComplete a Co-Op mission without anyone dying.You rule!Complete all Advanced Co-Op mission.The mother lodeGold medal all Advanced Co-Op missions.Dodge thisAchieve a kill chain of 10 or more in any Advanced Co-Op mission.BulletproofComplete a Co-Op mission without dying.DLC: Legends and KillersPackCost: $9.99 Trophies: 10Call it a Comeback!Come back from a 2-0 deficit and win a Hold Your Own game.Who needs Deadeye?Kill 3 or more players in a standoff or showdown.Stick and MoveGet 3 kills with knives or throwing knives in a single competitive match.Double baggerDouble capture 3 times in a single Gold Rush map.HeadhunterKill 5 players via headshot in a single Shootout or Gang Shootout.Hail MaryGet a kill greater than 35 yards with a Tomahawk.Axe MasterComplete all Tomahawk challenges in Single Player.Original GunslingerGet 25 Deadeye kills with Red.Reeeeal GoodGet 25 Dynamite kills with Pig Josh.LegendaryReach level 50 and pass into Legend.DLC: Liars and Cheats PackCost: $9.99 Trophies: 10Master ExploderComplete the Explosive Rifle Single Player ChallengeIn A Van Down By The RiverIn a Multiplayer Poker game, win a hand on the last card when you were losing priorGood CallIn a single Multiplayer Liar's Dice game, successfully make a spot-on callOne Die to Rule Them AllIn a Multiplayer Liar's Dice game, win with only one die leftFrom Glue to Mon Dieu!During a Grand Prix, finish a race after placing last in the previous raceLegion of BoomGet a triple kill while on the attacking team in StrongholdPut the Posse on a PedestalAttain over 50,000 posse points in a single Free Roam sessionPa-Pa-Pa-Poker AceIn a full Multiplayer game, beat the table when the blinds are at maximumTriple CrownGet first place in all races in any Grand PrixWe Must Protect This House!While on defense, do not allow the attacking team to capture any of their objectivesDLC: Undead NightmareCost: $9.99 Trophies: 12Spinning PlatesHave every territory saved at the same time during the Undead Nightmare.Mad Marston: The Trail WarriorAttain Rank 5 in all Undead Nightmare Challenges.Smoke that SkinwagonMake it to wave 15 in Undead Overrun Gametype in Multiplayer.KingpinFight off 8 unique players during your time on top during Land Grab in Multiplayer Free Roam.Zed's Dead, BabyAttain 100% Game Completion statistic in Undead Nightmare.Secret TrophiesThe Downward SpiralComplete 'Curious Tales from Blackwater, USA' Survivor Mission.Judge A Man By The...Complete 'Cure For Most of What Ails You' and 'Get Back in that Hole, Partner' Survivor Missions.The Superior DanceComplete 'Mother Superior Blues' Survivor Mission.All's Right With the WorldComplete 'On a Pale Horse'.Fan ServiceFind and break a unicorn.ChupathingyFind and kill a chupacabra.Six Years In The MakingFind and kill a sasquatch.
No, Red Dead Redemption is currently only on two major consoles; PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Nope, it's only available for Windows and Xbox 360.
Stargate Worlds is not currently available for Xbox 360.
Probably not, but you can trade it in for money, and use some of that to buy an Xbox 360. The main reason for this is that the PS2 is not as high=profile and new as the Xbox 360, which is considered a much better console. If you want to trade something in for an Xbox 360, it should be as high-profile and desirable as an Xbox 360 itself.
the xbox 360 comes with all the cables you need
It's not available for Xbox 360
Yes. You can get it for Xbox 360 and PS3.
Red Dead Redemption is available on Xbox 360 and PS3 and some people have compared it to GTA4
gamers of xbox 360 have said call of duty black ops but recently at the 2010 video game awards of 2010 on spike red dead redemption was voted game of the year so red dead redemption.
Red Dead Redemption is available for XBOX 360 and PS3.
no red dead redemption is only avalailble for ps3 or xbox 360
Currently no.
red dead redemption
no, only for xbox 360 and ps3
no you can't