they both use balls and you have got different positions in both sports
Basketball and football are 2 games of skill but football unlike basketball needs feet to play with. they both need nets, but basketball needs a round one while football needs a squared one.
for both basketball and football there are 2 teams and a big cout. they both also need a ball.
Sarah Minawy
Football and war have numerous similarities. McMuntry portrays comparisons between uniformity, violence, and obedience.
what is the similarities between the ulna and the radius
There are zero similarities between the two.
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Football and war have numerous similarities. McMuntry portrays comparisons between uniformity, violence, and obedience.
I play netball and i dnt think there is even a "fast netball". But if there is i guess it would all be the same but, faster:\
Bullioh Football Netball Club was created in 1947.
Corryong Football Netball Club was created in 1893.
Cudgewa Football Netball Club was created in 1893.
probably football because netball is a non contact sport
You could potentially use a ball for netball to play Gaelic Football, but it would not be ideal.
a netball ball is the same as a football only a bit smaller
football, cricket and netball
netball, basketball, football