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How much money does chris berman make a year for ESPN?

Last estimate was between $600,000 and $1,000,000.

How tall is tinky-winky?

1 ft 4 inches & 2mm

What is the average rainfall in patagonia desert?

it rains about 30-50 percent and the climate is windy

How do you fix Bakugan?

Depending on your definition of jammed it can vary. I recently had my son bring one home that he got from a friend. I could soon see why he got it. It wouldn't open without being manually popped open. I checked what I could see, gave the spring on the tail an extra loop, and still no dice. In looking at the screws (used on most import toys that you're NOT meant to open) I realize I have a driver at work to open it up. The screws are known as Triangle Recess Screws. You can do a search for Triangle Power Bits (power as they fit a drill or interchange screwdriver). As to the specific size, I'm not entirely sure as I haven't ordered the bits yet. I open the bakugan and realize the latch mechanism is no more than a very simple lever on a very tiny spring, with a magnet on the bottom. In taking it apart there was a pebble (for lack of a better term, closer to a crumb in size) of metal on the magnet not letting the latch go all the way down. I removed the junk metal off the magnet and pushed the magnet until it was fully seated in the lever, and figured out how the little spring went back and put the top back on and screwed it down. So for the moment of truth I slipped a metal business card under the table cloth and gave it a roll. BAM. He popped right open. I didn't do anything drastic, I figure by removing the junk on the magnet, and seating the magnet until it stopped, I gave the latch probably 2mm of travel thus allowing it to cleanly open without getting stuck. It's not a matter of lube, it's a matter of travel. The farther that switch can get down (or wider it can open) the more likely the springs are to pop the toy open. PS, I was original writer as anon, and then changed it for clarity.