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The starters in Pokemon Pearl are Turtwig, Piplup, and Chimchar.

Turtwig is the grass type starter and is a turtle with a leaf on his head. He evolves on level 18 into Grotle. His next evolution is on 32 where he transforms into Torterra, a massive grass/ground type tortoise with a tree and boulder on his back.

Piplup is the water type starter and is a small penguin. It evolves first on 16 into Prinplup. Then, at level 36, it evolves into Empoleon, a water/steel type emperor penguin.

Chimchar is the fire type starter and is a cute, little fire monkey. He evolves first at level 14 into Monferno. It then evolves at level 36 into the fire/fighting type monkey powerhouse, Infernape.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The 3 Pokemon You can start with in Pokemon Pearl are called starters.




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No. But you can trade and get all three starters. N&L

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not originally, but if you migrate them then yes.

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Pokemon sapphire for starters but on the main Pokemon Diamond and pearl Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky is.

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u cant ever get legendarys as starters ever

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By trading the other starters with other players of Diamond or Pearl.

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in Pokemon pearl you can get any starter by the gts if you want charzard i can give you one

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there is not real "best Pokemon" they all have different stats and different strengths, weaknesses, and natures. my personal favorties in pearl/silver are garchamp, and the starters. i be Amy

How do i get all the starters in Pokemon pearl without trading?

Not possible unless you use a cheating device.

Trade johto starters platinum?

Obtain 200 Pokemon in Pokemon ruby, sapphire or emerald, then go to professor birch and you get to choose one of the johto starters, then you migrate the starter you chose to Pokemon, diamond, pearl, or platinum.

How can you get all three starting Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

sorry but you have to get another diamond/pearl/platinum game and trade the other starters from there.