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Q: What are the Chippewa tribes homes made out of?
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How did the Chippewa interact with other tribes?

how did the Chippewa tribe interact with americans

How did the chippewa tribes build their homes?

they lives in wig warms and tepees and also sometimes in rock shelter

Where are chippewa boots made?

Chippewa boots are made and manufactured in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin

Eastern woodland tribes?

Mohawk, Ojibwa, Chippewa, Iroquois, and Algonquian.

What are the main Indian tribes in North Dakota?

Sioux Chippewa Mandan Hidatsu

What Indian tribes are the largest in the US?

THE Ballabella, the Chippewa, the Dakota, Putlash, and the Ottawa

Why are homes built differently among Indian tribes?

Different tribes had access to different resources and lived in different parts of the world with different climates and lifestyles. Temporary homes that could be dismantled and carried were used by nomadic tribes. Permanent homes were made by those living in one location. The skills and techniques available as well as tools influence the type of homes Indian tribes built.

What were the names of the tribes that were found around Wisconsin?

The Chippewa, Fox, Sauk, Dakota, Iroquois and Kickapoo.

What Native American tribes are in the state of Michigan?

Primarily the Ottawa, the Chippewa, the Potowatomi and the Wyandot Huron.

Were did the chippewa Indians sleep?

The Chippewa or the Ojibway Indians were one of the largest tribes of North Mexico. They slept in wigwams which are dome-shaped residences that had strips of tree bark on their outer layer.

What Native American tribes are in Montana?

The major tribes of Montana today are those that either have a reservation or state recognition. Those would include (ranked approximately by size... largest to smallest): Blackfeet Crow (Apsaalooke) Sioux Northern Cheyenne Plains Cree (Rocky Boy rez) Confederated Salish Assiniboine Gros Ventre (Atsina) Plains Chippewa Kootenai Little Shell Band of Chippewa

Why did the chippewa settle in Michigan?

The Chippewa tribes settled in Michigan due to the ability to grow crops. Apples, cherries, blueberries and other crops grow in Michigan more than many other states.