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Q: What are the Advantage of film making on real events?
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I have just seen Saw. Is Saw a real film?

If you mean is it based on real events, the answer is no.

Is a news film footage a primary source?

Yes, news film footage can be considered a primary source as it captures real-time events as they occur. It provides direct and unfiltered information about a particular event, making it a valuable resource for historical research or analysis.

Is the film black book a true story?

It is based on true events. Also, For the real Film & Television Blackbook, see related links down below.

What was the horror film about the Outback?

Try the film Wolf Creek. It is based on the real life murders of Ivan Millat, the Backpack Murderer. The film itself is largely a piece of fiction, but it does follow some aspects of the real life events, and it's a good watch.

When was For Real - film - created?

For Real - film - was created in 2009.

What happens if thay killed someone in a movie is it real?

No it is not real. The few times someone is accidently killed during the making of a film, that footage is never part of the final product.

Why do you need training in film making?

Professional film making requires specific and specialized skills that you can only get by being trained by other professionals. You can get introduced to these skills in a film school but real training comes on set as an assistant in the department you want to work in. You do not need a degree to work in the film industry. But it may help you decide what part of the business you want to be in.

What was the original name of the film before it was changed to Gone in 60 Seconds?

The Original film was called Gone In Sixty Seconds (1964) this film was filmed on real streets without any permission at all, so all the car chases are real.(shot in normal traffic,un-aware to the other drivers) This was the beginning of Guerrilla Film-making.

Was the movie Them based on real events?

The true story which the film was based on involved an Austrian couple who were murdered by three teenagers in their vacation home in The Czech Republic.

What is the main advantage of reproduction?

there is no real advantage. you just have sex.

Are the characters in 'A Series of Unfornunate Events' real?

Are the charters in series of unfortunate events real

Where are the setting s of titanic came from?

The events portrayed in the film Titanic - related to real events surrounding the voyage of the actual ship. The Titanic was build in Ireland, and sank on its maiden voyage after striking an iceberg (though it was claimed to be unsinkable).