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The Top 20 Are

1. Michael Jackson - Triller

2. Michael Jackson - Billie Jean

3. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

4. Michael Jackson - Earth Song

5. A-ha - Take On Me

6. Michael Jackson - Black or White

7. Madonna - Like A Prayer

8. Robbie Williams - Rock DJ

9. Michael & Janet Jackson - Scream

10. Madonna - Vogue

11. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit

12. Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal

13. Outkast - Hey Ya

14. MeatLoaf - I'd Do Anything For Love

15. Queen - I Want To Break Free

16. Sinead O'Connor - Nothing Compares

17. Michael Jackson -Leave Me Alone

18. Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood

19. Michael Jackson - Beat It

20. Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone

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Q: What are the 10 most requested videos on MTV all time?
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How can you see old MTV videos?

The official MTV website provides one with the ability to view streaming music videos that are featured on the MTV network. One could also tune into the MTV network to view music videos.

What was the last video shown on MTV?

The channel that is called MTV still plays music videos on a daily basis. The last video shown on the channel will be played if the channel goes off of the air. The first video played on MTV was Video Killed the Radio Star.

Which TV channel debuted Thriller by Michael Jackson?

MTV debuted Thriller as they did for most of Michael's videos.

Who introduced music videos?

MTV... i think

Was MTV the first to show music videos 24 hours a day?

hell yeah it was MTV

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the original mtv channel played only Music Videos. I would say they probably did run 24 hours a day but I may be wrong.

Does MTV play music videos twenty four hours a day?

MTV does not currently play music videos twenty four hours a day. At certain times of the day they offer blocks of time devoted to music videos, but the majority of their programming is 30-minute blocks of shows devoted to the music industry.

Was MTV the first channel to play music videos?


Why do you like MTV?

i like MTV mainly because at like 3 in the morning i can listing to music videos.

What is MTV?

MTV is Music Television. Launched in 1981, MTV initially was a TV channel that featured music videos with commentary by VJ's or Video Jockeys.

What MTV show plays the Jonas Brothers videos?


How has MTV changed?

In 2010, MTV dropped "Music Television" in their logo but years before they stopped airing music videos & music related programming opting for "reality" TV shows, movies & reruns of choice comedies. They did air videos in the wee hours of the morning a few years ago [around 2015], around 2 am or so, but now you won't find any videos airing on MTV at any time of the day.