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There are no similarities, apart from both are a sovereign country. Spain is part of the European mainland, while New Zealand is formed from two separate islands, near Australia.

There are several similarities between New Zealand and Spain that derive from the fact that the New Zealand system of governance is based on a European model. Both New Zealand and Spain are representative democracies with royalty as the head of state. Both also give a strong degree of autonomy to peoples and provinces which have a distinct culture from the dominant center (Catalonians and Basques in Spain and Maori in New Zealand)

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11y ago
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13y ago

Ireland and New Zealand are both small countries. Their landscapes are similar. Their populations are similar. A lot of Irish people live in New Zealand. Both are mainly English speaking and have English influences. Both play Rugby at a very high level. Agriculture is important in both countries.

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13y ago

Im from Spain valencia and i think Spain is rather more brute and France posh but our language come from latin, em our country is Europe... um... I cant think of another one, ive never been in France and I use to hate them, I think im not the right person to answer this :-(

Sorry (But I still think Spain and France havent got nearly any similarity)

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14y ago

Time Difference between Spain and Pakistan.

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13y ago

both countries have a high rating of pregnancie rates!

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