Alliteration, Persuasivelanguage, Rhetorical Questions,Exaggeration,Repetition Assertion, Lying, Pinpointing, personification, hyperbole,dialogue characterisation, motivelanguageand motifs are all examples of techniques in the english language.
Depth of field (leading lines, foreground and background),Camera Angles,Body Language, Hand gestures, Facial expression, gaze these are all
techniquesin a viewing section of the english language.
English language literary devices:AllegoryAlliterationAllusionAnalogyAssonanceClimaxForeshadowingHyperboleMetaphorOnomatopoeiaOxymoronPersonificationPunSimile
what are the literary devices used in the poem from the emigrants
literary,devices and figures
English language literary devices:AllegoryAlliterationAllusionAnalogyAssonanceClimaxForeshadowingHyperboleMetaphorOnomatopoeiaOxymoronPersonificationPunSimile
Symbolismdramatic ironyhyperbola
Literary devices are any methods through which literature 'works'; be it metaphor, or some other grammatical form, or even certain themes (for example: jealousy, or the conflict in the middle east) or symbols. Literary appreciation the observing and cognitive reflection of literature and its literary devices.
Literary devices are found throughout the book.
irony, methaphor
i do not really know
Some examples of literary devices used in "Things Fall Apart" include symbolism, foreshadowing, irony, and imagery. These devices help convey deeper meanings and themes in the novel.
Some literary terms in Beowulf include alliteration, kenning, and caesura. Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds, kenning is a metaphorical compound word, and caesura is a pause in the middle of a line of poetry. These literary devices are commonly found in Old English poetry like Beowulf.
repetition personification imagery