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There is already a question about science, so this answer will include idioms about nature.

  • Across the pond is used to refer to the US in relation to the UK. In this phrase, the Atlantic Ocean is called "the pond."
  • The four corners of the earth means a wide area. You usually hear this used as an exaggerated description of something, as in "When you dropped that stack of papers, they scattered to the four corners of the earth," or "People came from the four corners of the earth to listen to that band."
  • Mother Nature is the term that stands for all of nature. You might hear someone say "Pick up that trash -- Mother Nature deserves more respect from you!" There was an old TV advert that said "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature" (it was an advert for synthetic butter).
  • "The sky's the limit" means that there is really no limit. This is usually seen in terms of money, where someone would say "Order whatever you want to eat; the sky's the limit!"
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Q: What are some examples of idiomatic expression about science and nature?
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What does 'mode of expression' mean?

Mode of expression as it refers to the character emotion of the sentence interrogative- question..."What time is it?" Declarative- answer..."It's Four O'clock." Imperative- "Hurry up then!" Mode of expression as it refers to the nature of the expressor would be whimsical, cinical, crass, etc.

A square b square -2ab - 25?

a2b2 - 2ab - 25 is a quadratic expression in the variables ab. There is no equation or inequality in the question so there is nothing that can be solved. Because of the nature of the expression a and b cannot be separated in any meaningful way.

Introduction of science education in Nigeria?

The teaching of science in nigeria began many years after the introduction of western education into nigeria by the christain missionarie. Science first appeared in the nigeria curriculum in 1859 when the church missionary society (CMS)Grammer school in lagos introduced a rudiment of nature study, schools like Saint Gregory's college (lagos), Baptist Training College (Ogbomoso) etc followed later in teaching nature study. By this time a rural science syllabus was formulated for science at the primary schools. Other biology related subjects were introduced such as botany,physiology and agriculture at the secondary school level.

Why social psychology is a science and not psychology?

Any answer to this question will depend upon how science is perceived. Regardless of how science is perceived, claiming that something is a science because it studies something is invalid. For example consider the claim that 'ghostology' is a science because it studies ghosts. Consequently, just because psychology studies mentality (or behaviour) doesn't mean that it is a science. Indeed Immanuel Kant, the German philosopher, contended, wrongly, that psychology couldn't become a science because (supposedly) the mind can't be studied. The International Council for Science (ICSU) will have its perception of science. My guess is that it is considered a science because it employs the "scientific method" for inquiry.

What is Sierra Club Foundation's motto?

The motto of Nature Conservation Foundation is 'To carry out science-based and socially responsible conservation'.

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WikiAnswers will not write your paragraph for you, but we will help you to learn how to write it yourself. Click on the links below!

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"He's himself" is an idiomatic expression that means someone is being genuine, sincere, or true to their own nature and personality. It suggests that the person is behaving in a way that is characteristic of their true self, without pretense or affectation.

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Science is different ro art because of its exacting nature, whereas asts have room for self-expression and not exact.

What does idiomatic mean?

Peculiar to or characteristic of a given language.Characterized by proficient use of idiomatic expressions: a foreigner who speaks idiomatic English.Resembling or having the nature of an idiom.Using many idioms.Peculiar to or characteristic of the style or manner of a particular group or people.5. a common expression whose meaning cannot be guessed from individual words eg 'I'm feeling under the weather

Is there a big word for the conflict between science and nature?

A:There is no conflict between science and nature. Science is what we learn about nature.

How is Pluto an example of nature of science?

Pluto is not an example of "nature of science."

What is relationship between nature and science?

they have a mutually and dependant relationship nature helps science evolve and science needs to keep nature secure

When was Ideas on the Nature of Science created?

Ideas on the Nature of Science was created in 2009.

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The ISBN of Ideas on the Nature of Science is 9780864925442.

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Art is the creative expression of a person to interpret how they view the world or how they feel. There is not defined nature of art. Art is expression and unique. There is no right or wrong in art. The nature of art is the nature of artist.

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Ideas on the Nature of Science has 308 pages.

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by swimming