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Q: What are some cool words they used in the movie zenon?
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Grandmother is a cool compound word. Other cool words include supergiant, fireworks and lifeguard.

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Some cool words starting with D are:daiquiri (frozen)dewydivedrenchdisrobedrifts (snow)drops (rain)dippin' (skinny)

Was the dragonball movie good?

Irritating at some points if you're a Dragonball fan, but it was a cool movie.

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Can you give an example of a connotation in a sentence?

"Connotation" means a non-dictionary definition. Example: "The water is cool" (non-connotative) "The movie was cool" (connotative). In the sentence, "The movie was cool" the word "cool" doesn't refer to temperature, but to a systematic, rule-governed use of the word "cool" as a synonym for "awesome". In other words, a group of people agree that the word "cool" can be used instead of the word "awesome," and "awesome" becomes the connotative definition of "cool."