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They are both hard like my boner.

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Q: What are similarities of group 1A and group 2A atoms?
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What is 3a minus a in math?

since a=1a, 3a-1a=2a

What s block element is not located in group 1A or group 2A in the periodic table?


What are the modern groups on the periodic table?

group 1a , group 2a , transition elements , group 0 (inert gases)

Are barium magnesium potassium and calcium all in the same group?

No. Barium and magnesium and calcium are in group 2A but potassium is in group 1A.

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1a+3b 2a+4b=3a +7b

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The metals in Groups 1A 2A and 3A?

Metals in group 1A, 2A, 3A can form mono-, di- and trivalent positive ions respectively, and all are metals except Boron, which is a metalloid (between Carbon -a nonmetal- and Berillium -a metal- in period II).

What is 2a minus a?

2a - a = a

How is the ionic charge of a group 1A 2A or 3A ion determined?

the group 1a has a positive charge which means it looses 1(-1) to become a noble gas and group 2a has positive 2 which means it looses 2(-2) to become a noble gas and so on

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