There were several military dictators in the 1800's in Latin America. Juan Manuel Rosas ruled in Argentina. Juan Jose Flores ruled in Ecuador.
Latin America is called "Latin America" because the countries that comprise Latin America speak Spanish and Portuguese, which are descended from Latin. The main official languages in the region - Spanish, Portuguese (and French) are derived from Latin. The term "Latin America" was coined in the 1860s when the French Emperor Napoleon III was trying to extend French imperial control over Mexico. He and his ministers used the term to try to suggest at least some degree of cultural similarity throughout the region and with France.
Latin America is made up of Central and South America.
The creole class in Latin America was those of European or African descent born in Latin America.
Latin America
What best describes Catholic Church leaders and the military and landowners in Latin America during colonial times?
The Latin American countries were ruled by military leaders called the Junta. The word Junta simply means a senior army commander.
Many were controlled by caudillos (military leaders) after Liberation.
Latin America's leaders
Military leaders
They formed and elite class and hel political power
No. Most countries that form part of Latin America are republics. The only single-party country in Latin America is Cuba.
Through military power
A Spanish province in Latin America was called a viceroyalty.
Simon bolivar,Alexandra von humboldt