Kiwi fruits were originally called Chinese gooseberry'sand the New Zea landers had trouble selling them.Then some bright spark renamed them Kiwi fruit which led to their acceptance.
Kiwi refers to the flightless native Kiwi bird, The word is imitative of the sound kiwi's make when they call during the night. It is the national bird of New Zealand. It is a flightless nocturnal endangered bird.
Kiwi is also a nick-name for non-Maori New Zealanders.
Kiwifruit is a berry that originated in China (the Chinese gooseberry), but was carefully grown to be more tasty and fleshy in New Zealand, and renamed for promotional reasons. It is commonly called by the abbreviated name of kiwi outside New Zealand. Many people think that they are not berries, but a berry is a "fleshy fruit that contains many seeds."
It is the name of the New Zealand repesentative Rugby League team
It is also a colloquial term for the New Zealand Dollar.
Kiwi grows on large vines. They will grow up to 30 feet across. They are heavy and cannot their own weight and will need to be put on a trellis that is 6 to 7 feet high. You need to have a male and a female plant for them to produce fruit. See the link at the bottom for further growing information.
The Bay of Plenty region of New zealand's North island is the area best known for growing kiwifruit.
A New Zealand Dollar, or $NZ
The silver fern. The New Zealand rugby league team is known as the Kiwis
Teams from New Zealand (except the Rugby team, who are the All Blacks.
The nickname of the NZ cricket team is, the 'Black Caps'. Some Pakeha New Zealanders might call themselves Kiwis because the kiwi is a bird which is recognised as being an icon for New Zealand, but the use of nicknames based on nationality, culture or ethnicity should be avoidded as it may be considered disrespectful, offensive or even racist.
Kiwis live in New Zealand.
Kiwis are indigenous to New Zealand. Other than Kiwis in Zoos, Kiwis do not grow in Australia.
kiwis first started at china then they went to new zealand
Because it is native to New Zealand:)
That would be "kiwis." They are actually people from New Zealand or New Zealanders.
The New Zealand soldiers
Kiwis are imported from New Zealand
'The kiwis' is the nickname of the New Zealand Rugby League team.
Kiwi or kiwis are flightless birds and native to New Zealand.
Kiwis, dairy farms, vineyards, and sheep farms abound in New Zealand.
New Zealand is the land of the Kiwi.
New Zealand.