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Only a few examples include basic farming, oil extraction, gasoline manufacturing, and other industrial jobs including petroleum. I had to do a project in high school that incorporated this. Good luck I hope this helped.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

people are effecting the African savanna by people are using the land for cattle grazing, which can kill the grass and turn the African savanna into a desert, that will most likely cause many fires that will destroy the land and hurt the plants and animals. People are also hunting these animals, which are making the animals extinct.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Some people travel there in order to watch the wildlife like Lions, Rhinos and Elephants.

Some people travel there in order to shoot certain animals like Lions, Rhinos and Elephants.

Some few people travel there and get eaten by Lions or trampled on by Rhinos and Elephants.

The African savanna do have a wide diversity of life and some people travel there to study this. It is a food-chamber for inhabitants.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

By not killing animals or burning down trees.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

they farm

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Q: What are jobs of people in African Savannah?
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No there isn't.

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More information about a job at Savannah can be found online at the The website gives you information about profiles for certain jobs, the application procedure and which jobs are available.

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you'll need to stop letting people type random answers

How do the animals of the African Savannah adapt to the climate?

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