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They are dams that hold back water but also generate hydro electricity by using the force of gravity pushing the water down and through large generators in order to pass through the dam. Hence why theres usually water coming out the other side of them.

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Q: What are hydro dams?
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IS hydro electric power used in dams?

Dams can be used to produce hydro electric power

How do you get hydro energy?

you get it from dams

What is water mainly used for in nz?

electricity dams/hydro dams

What energy can you get in dams?

hydro electricity

How dams make hydro- electicity?

cines people

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Who made Hydro power dams?

Jesus Christ of Nazareth

How is hydro electricity connected to renewable energy?

Provided water was available in dams, hydro electricity can be produced indefinitely.

Where is hydro energy commonly used?

Wherever there are mountains, rivers and dams.

An example of a renewable energy source?

Water (hydro electricity from dams).

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What uses movement of water or wind to spin a turbine?

Hydroelectric power