The history of the Mohawk Tribe can be found at the following link.
Members of the Mohawk tribe are still alive today.
the arts the mohawk tribe maked was bows and arrows
The education to the Mohawk tribe was informal. The adults would pass on various values and skills to the children in the tribe as part of the development process.
It is the name they always had for themselves, Mohawk is a term used by the english and other Europeans. Altho basically Mohawk and Kaniengehaga are the same people.
they were the most powerful tribe
josegh brant is the leader of the mohawks
There are currently no saints from the Mohawk tribe. However, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha is half Mohawk and may soon be canonized. Her father was from the Mohawk tribe and her mother was from the Algonquins.
Mohawk men wore breech clothes with leggings. Mohawk woman worew wraparound skirts with shorter leggings. For more info, go to Facts for Kids: Mohawk Indians (Mohawks)
Members of the Mohawk tribe are still alive today.
the arts the mohawk tribe maked was bows and arrows
No they do not exist anymore. No one is a full Mohawk tribe.
A tribe
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha - Her father was from the Mohawk tribe but her mother was Algonquin.
The Mohawk Indians lived in N.Y.
The Mohawk hair style was invented by the Mohawk Indian tribe.